Author: Corey Barnes
On March 17, when I shut my doors after loaning out all of my equipment, I went home for what I thought would be a two-week closure. I continued to program for my members, and they continued to pay their memberships and clients were generous enough to pay for personal training sessions that they would not receive.
When it became apparent that this would be longer than two weeks, I started offering daily Zoom classes, still thinking that at any moment we would be back at the gym. I also took this time to pursue formal training to become a Life Coach, knowing this would be a valuable tool for my business. It was arduous training but has transformed me as a coach and personal trainer. The mind is a powerful thing!
Since then, my zoom schedule has grown, I have about 30% of my membership still with me and have picked up a couple of new members who are happy to workout virtually from home. I now offer life coaching/fitness packages and am hoping for the best. Virtual is our new normal and the members are learning to embrace this new “community” piece of Corey’s Gym.
The reality is, even when our state reopens, many are frightened to come back. The Zoom classes are great and can be done with minimal equipment. Life coaching is rewarding and seeing people reach their goals for fitness and purpose in their world is the best. But I do know that people, including myself, are struggling. We are now learning that the average person has gained 15 lbs since March and depression is setting in. It’s hard to keep a schedule, a routine, and get some time for self-care.
I have no idea whether or not Corey’s Gym will withstand COVID in terms of brick and mortar, but I am, and will always be, a coach of both the mind and body. It’s what is keeping me going through this craziness.