Author: Michael Scaletti
It's Thanksgiving week, and while everyone here at The Job Shop is working really hard to get jobs filled and people placed before we take a couple of days off to enjoy being with our friends and families, we wanted to take a minute and express everything we're grateful for.
It has been a hard couple of years, for so many reasons, but there is still so much to be grateful for, and so I asked the employees at The Job Shop to express their gratitude, and this is what they had to say.
Michelle Mamerto - Temp Manager: "I'm grateful for my niece, Kiara, a healthcare worker, and all-around awesome human. She is spending her first ever birthday away from home to take care of patients during Thanksgiving weekend."
Mike Gutierrez - Direct Hire Manager: "Thankful to have a healthy Thanksgiving with family, and thankful I just have to bring desserts and not cook."
Tammy Doss - Finance Manager: "Grateful to have been surrounded by wonderful cooks in our family who shared recipes that are delicious to make, enjoy and share."
Liz Frome - Founder: "I am thankful for my health and all the hard work I put into being healthy. I am thankful for a wonderful family at home and at work! I am thankful for all of the wonderful people that give back in so many ways to help the Labs!"
David McGrane - Recruiting Consultant: "I am thankful for family and friends and pets - a true and boundless source of happiness. "
Darcy Raven - Recruiting Coordinator: "I am thankful for having my family near by and all of them being healthy. I am thankful for my living situation and that I can foster cats one after another. I am thankful for being thankful!"
Jojo Varona - Direct Hire Manager: "I am grateful for the beauty of San Francisco. As a San Francisco native, I sometimes take for granted the beautiful City in which we live. I have been taking advantage of the many different hiking trails and neighborhoods that San Francisco has to offer."
As for myself, there is too much to be grateful for to list in one place. I am so lucky in so many ways, and have so much privilege in my life. While the last few years have been really hard for everyone, I have also had some really notable milestones happen in my life. My partner and I began settling into Minneapolis, where we moved from the Bay Area even though neither of us had ever lived outside the Bay and we didn't really know anyone here. We bought a house, made some friends, and explored our new city. So if I had to choose one thing to be grateful for, it's being able to go on this grand adventure with someone I love.
Here's to you, and finding your own adventure, and being grateful for every step along the way. Happy Thanksgiving!